Located at our office on 687 Powell Street, the Chronic Pain Management program aims to improve access to non-pharmacological chronic pain care for our members. Our goal is to meet folks where they are at, and to help them become more self efficacious in managing and understanding their pain.
The reality of chronic pain is that it is very complex, difficult to treat and impacts almost every part of an individual’s life. We aim to connect with all members no matter where they are at in their lives, and focus on fostering relationship and trust – the rest will come in time!
Through our program you can connect with our physiotherapist, exercise therapist, physician, and Elder. Together, our team can assist members with accessing a variety of chronic pain management modalities or even help those who do not have chronic pain and would like to exercise for any other reason. In addition, the team plans regular land-based outings facilitated by our Elder Sandy.

If you would like more information on our Chronic Pain Management program or to request a service, please contact us or visit our clinic at 626 Powell Street.